Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Cervantes Keeps it Real

So I'm re-reading one of my favorite books, Don Quixote, and I came across this passage:

Happy were those blessed times that lacked the horrifying fury of the diabolical instruments of artillery, whose inventor, in my opinion, is in hell, receiving the reward for his accursed invention, which allows an ignoble and cowardly hand to take the life of a valiant knight, so that not knowing how it comes, or from where, a stray shot is fired into the courage and spirit that inflame and animate a brave heart, sent by one who perhaps fled in fear at the bright flare when the damned machine discharged it, and cuts off and ends in an instant the thoughts and life of one who deserved to enjoy many more long years.

Originally published in 1605; still 100% on point today. Thought that was worth sharing. Carry on.